Every one of us go through trying times.
Times that feel like we are going to break!
Times that we feel like the breath was just knocked out of us!
Times we feel that we just can’t get back up!
But then we begin to mend…begin to breath again…and get back up…
Have you been at the end of your rope and this poem was brought back to your memory?
How has this poem helped you through your most darkest hours?
Share your story with us below and it may just become our weekly featured story on the home page.
I have always know of this poem and it was very touching however I just lost my dad on May 22, 2014 and the priest read this poem at his funeral. It touched my heart so much that I started looking for anything and everything with the poem on it. It will forever hold a special place in my heart for the rest of my living days.
Oh Cyndi, I’m so sorry to hear that. My prayers are with you and your family. I know the feeling of loosing someone. I love my mom to cancer in 2006 and brother to it in 2012. This poem was on my Mom’s desk as long as I can remember while growing up and when she passed away I was blessed enough to get the desk along with the poem that still remains taped to it. Like you, I’m always looking for things with this poem on it. It wasn’t until I experienced the loss of my Mom that I could truly appreciate this poem and grasp the meaning of it. For Jesus has carried me through many dark moments in my life and I thank him all the time for it.
Be Blessed and know that our Abba’s loving arms are wrapped around you and the Holy Spirit is there to comfort you.
~ Audrey